Kreston Reeves

Maximising Business Property Relief
At the start of 2022, there were estimated to be 5.5 million private sector businesses in the UK, of which 5.47 million businesses were in the small category (i.e. with 0 to 49 employees) – the very backbone of the British economy. But are these business owners maximising tax allowances available to them to ensure […]
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SME Cash Reserves
Research from Allica Bank suggests that small and medium-sized businesses are holding an astonishing £273 billion in cash in low or no interest bank accounts. But just what should businesses do with cash reserves to make them work harder, asks funding experts, Abbey Watkins and John Walsham of Kreston Reeves. Research from Allica Bank suggests […]
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Unlocking Commercial Mortgages
Despite the challenging economic environment business owners continue to seek a commercial mortgage to fund the purchasing, expansion, renovation or refinancing of commercial premises. A commercial mortgage can allow a business owner to seize growth opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach. But, as with all borrowing, there will be conditions attached. Owning a […]
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Could PAYE Settlement Agreements stop your employees from experiencing unexpected tax bills?
Businesses are suffering increased costs and employers are looking for various ways to reward their employees and keep them engaged beyond pay rises and bonuses. The issue however is that a lot of these alternative methods can be caught by the benefit in kind (BIK) rules. BIK’s need to be reported on a form P11D […]
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Business credit scores matter
Business and supplier relationships are crucial for success It is a relationship defined, amongst many other factors, by payment terms, credit control and, in some instances, offering customers a line of credit. But not all businesses are created equal, and it can be difficult to determine how a relationship might develop. For all businesses beginning […]
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